Wednesday 16 December 2009

The Taking of Pelham 123

New This Week To....


John Travolta plays "Ryder" a brutal gunman who along with his three henchmen have hijacked a New York City subway train. They have given the city 60 minutes to hand over £10million dollars.

Ryder though only wants to speak to Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) a worker assigned to the train control center.

What begins is a very awkward relationship between the two as the time ticks down to the deadline.


This movie has two of hollywood's most accomplished actors, Travolta is brilliant in his role as a psychotic kidnapper who has a massive grudge against the city with only profit on his mind.

Washington is equally brilliant in his role as the ordinary man called upon to perform extradordinary tasks.

The action comes thick and fast, right from the beginning and never really slows down.

There is plenty of tension throughout this movie and some of the dialogue between Travolta and Washington is superb.

There are some flaws I found with this movie, the passengers on the train seemed very calm and they didnt seem to truly realise the extent of what was happening.

I also did not like the fact Washington's character at the beginning of the film is that of a normal guy in the wrong place at the wrong time, then by the end of the film he suddenly turns into a superman hero character.

I will not spoil the ending but just thinking about it realistically in my city if this happened in real life, Travolta's character would have been blown to hell.


The Taking Of Pelham 123 was a very entertaining and grity film that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

If you are into your action movies there are enough car chase scenes and explosions to keep the movie going at a fast pace and keep action movie fans happy.

This movie really was very enjoyable and was intense, It had great twists and it washard to see how the movie was going to end.

But I was left dissapointed with the ending, it really was a let down and tainted all the good memories I had for the film.

Crunch Rating -

1 comment:

  1. I think it deserves an extra half apple just cos I was able to sit through the whole thing! Was alright. Nothing great.
