Tuesday 27 October 2009

3. The Ring

Being that The Ring is a remake I was tempted to think that the film would bring nothing new to the table from the original (Japanese version) Ringu.
But boy was I wrong.

I have to be honest and say that the brilliantly produced, gruesome and eerie videos stuck with me long after I finished watching the film.

The brilliant scene where the girl comes out of the TV screen is unbelievable and whenever I think about I am still terrified.

What I enjoy about this film the most is how much anticipation and suspense is built, the atmospheric mood that is created is excellent.

Like a good scary film the viewer should always feel that the characters are in a situation they just cannot control.

The Ring is one of the best films I have ever seen in accomplishing this.

1 comment:

  1. I remember lying about my age to go and see this. It's still one of the scariest films I've watched. Even now it would probably make me jump. Good choice
