Friday 23 October 2009

5. The Blair Witch Project

Made on just $30,000 dollars (around £18,000) this film shows us that it does not take a big budget to make a film scary, its all about atmosphere.

The Blair Witch Project proves that our imagination can be
very powerful.

The film never shows us the villian, never shows us any blood or violence but yet it still manages to create a creepy, unsettling atmosphere.

While it starts slowly, the film soon cranks the tension right up until the end when it builds up to a climax.

The scariest moment of the film is undoubtedly the ending and the last image of the film is one of the most haunting I have seen.

1 comment:

  1. I still haven't seen this. If I promise not to get bored halfway through can we watch it? Also check this out:
